10 Organization Tricks For A More Organized Kitchen

by Linda Lazio 02/04/2018

What is it about cabinets that make them so difficult to keep organized? Despite our best efforts storage containers always seem to take over while baking ware get lost in the far back depths of corner cabinets. I’m here with X tips to keep your kitchen cabinets neat and tidy once and for all.

  1. Start with a major clear out to eliminate any unnecessary clutter. The kitchen is the easiest room in the house to build up excess stuff as it all seems so useful. However, in truth all those specialized gadgets and extra plates simply collect dust and make organizing more difficult.

  2. Give everything a place. By assigning each and every item in your kitchen cabinets a “home” you will be less likely to shove things away into drawers or into the back of cabinets. You will also be able to more effectively put the following tips to use as you will know exactly which solutions will work best for your belongings.

  3. Adding stacking shelves for plates and bowls adds extra storage to tall cabinets. Stacking shelves make the most of empty space without stacking plates a mile high and prevents having to pull from the bottom of a pile to grab a dinner plate.

  4. Add slide out organization to cabinets to create easy to reach access to the depths of cabinets without requiring a step ladder. They are easy to find at your local hardware or home goods store and easy to install on your own.

  5. Keep similar pantry items together in easy to grab bins. Think baking items together in one bin and spices in another. Matching bins placed on open shelves add a stylish touch to your home while clear containers allow you to see what is in each bin at a glance.

  6. Drawer dividers avoid the classic jumbled drawer of kitchen gadgets. Just as with pantry bins keeping like items in each section allows to easily find utensils at a glance. When shopping for dividers be sure to keep your utensils sizes and shapes in mind to find appropriately proportioned containers that will make the most of drawer space.

  7. Lazy susans in cabinets make it easy to find spices, canned goods and cooking oils with a quick spin of the fingertips. Keeping a lazy susan in the cabinet nearest your stove makes cooking an easier process.

  8. Alternatively, a spice rack on the inside of a cabinet adds storage space while putting cooking spices within arm's reach and puts the whole array at an eye’s glance. Again, this makes the most of vertical space to free up shelf space for other items.

  9. Hang mugs up on a spinning mug tree, mug rack or hooks under upper cabinets to make the most of vertical kitchen space, again, to free up precious shelf space. So often homeowners stuff their cabinets with mugs, unnecessarily monopolizing cabinet space.

  10. Invest in a matching food storage set that can nest easily. Better yet, look for the type where the lids snap together for an even easier storage solution. This also allows your food storage containers to be tucked away into one of the organizational bins from tip number four.

By making the most of vertical space and thinking outside the box when it comes to adding storage space to cabinets you can finally have organized cabinets that stay organized. To get the most out of these tips be sure to follow through on tip number one. Happy organizing!

About the Author

Linda Lazio

With 35 years of experience and knowledge, I have set myself up as a presence in the Real Estate Community. My homes are lifetime investments coupled with strong personal ties. Selling homes ranks among my clients' most important experiences, and I approach this task with sensitivity, concern, and professional competence. Being a Top Producer sets me apart from the others!